Герб Волынская область
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Volyn oblast is located in the north-western part of Ukraine, on the territory of the region state borders of Ukraine, Poland and Belarus lies. The name of the Volyn region is derived from the name of the historic city of Volyn, referred to the ancient chronicles 1018. The territory of Volyn region is rich in historic monuments, 495 registered state historic monuments located here, 20 settlements of the region are included in the list of historic settlements. Volyn region is famous for its water resources within the region, there are more than 220 lakes and 130 rivers. The leading sectors of the regional economy are engineering, food and chemical industries, production of construction materials. In the field of agricultural development, the region's main specializations: cattle breeding, the production of cereals and potatoes. The region has successfully attracted foreign direct investments by investors from more than 36 countries.